Monday, December 1, 2014


Hello fellow Catholic teens!
(And anyone else of any age, Catholic or not)

I'm so excited to start this blog. I don't care how many people read it, I'm just grateful to have an outlet where I can touch at least one life :)
I'll be posting random thoughts from my life, things I love about my faith, quotes I find, and much more! Whatever the Holy Spirit moves me to post...

I guess I should start out by introducing myself. I am a cradle Catholic, but it wasn't until two- three? years ago that I made my faith my own. I was on a retreat at my school with the NET team (national evangelization team- they're fabulous). For the first time in my entire life, I sat down, picked up a bible and actually thought about God. As soon as I took that first step, BOOM. I knew in my heart and soul that
1. God is real
2. God loves me
3. I was made to give up my entire life because of this love

It all went from there, and my faith grows stronger every day. Now I'm in high school, and I want my faith to move from my private life at home and in Church to truly making a difference and surrendering myself completely to God's will.
Hopefully this blog will help me do just that. Maybe one day I'll make a youtube account and join the wonderful New Catholic Generation (a teen-organized collection of all young Catholic youtubers)
Until then, I'll update you with all the interesting things that go on inside my head.

See you next time and may your life be full of Christ's joy and love!

A Catholic Teen

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