Monday, December 8, 2014

Sisters :)

Yesterday I watched the first two episodes of the Lifetime series "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns." It was very interesting. I feel like that they dramatized it and that the community wasn't a good match for some of the girls, but I also think that they all have the right intentions and that it's a great way to plant seeds of vocations in this Year of Consecrated Life.

Speaking of consecrated life, I recently read another Catholic teen blog post of statistics of the number of sisters in the United States and what young Catholics think of our faith. It was all good information, but definitely discouraging. We tend to focus so much on how much vocations have gone down since the peak in the 1960's. Too often we forget the renewal that is going on in vocations right now!

I'm not sure where you fall in your knowledge of Catholic religious orders that are receiving many young vocations, but I happen to be pretty proficient on the subject. After all, I've gone on the websites of whatever order I can get my hands on almost every single day for at least the past two years. I just can't help myself, if I can't meet sisters in real life, I have to google them.

I find it really hard to believe that , from statistics, I am one of 1% of Catholic women between the ages of 14-30 that have seriously considered religious life. It is so clear to me that girls want to wear the habit, have hours of adoration, a community full of others your age, and a life lived joyfully and radically for God! I realized that not everyone knows how many vibrant  communities are out there!

I have put together a list of all of the religious orders that from what I have seen, have young women completely head over heels in love with our Savior (basically every order I've consistently kept up with). I hope you enjoy!

1. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist (the Oprah nuns)
How could I ever just pick one picture got this fabulous order? Just google their name, and you will see dozens of amazing photos of young sisters with indescribable joy on their faces! I could go on forever about this order. It was founded in just 1997 with 4 sisters and now had almost 200. They have so many women joining that they are building another convent in Texas, which is much closer to me than  Ann Arbor, Michigan, where their motherhouse is. This order is where my discernment began. I want to wait to share my whole story until I'm a bit more established, bit if it wasn't for the witness of 2 wonderful sisters from this order, I don't know where I'd be. Also, I've heard that they have wonderful discernment retreats!

2. Sisters of Life

For a while, I was obsessed with this order. Really, obsessed. Like, go home every day and see if they've updated their website. Over time, that's faded, but I still love these sisters even I'm not called to be one. They are based in New York and work with women who have unexpected pregnancies. They can be seen at every March for Life and travel around the country to speak to young people. And look at those habits- so beautiful. 

3. Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R (third order regular), of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother 

These sisters are a charismatic order (praise and worship and a more modern liturgy, among other things). They work at the Franciscan University of Steubenville along with the brothers of their order and also care for the poor and homeless in downtown Steubenville. They look like so much fun, don't they? They were featured in the Imagine Sisters documentary Light of Love (I'll put the link below- would highly recommend). They combine hours of adoration with energetic worship and service, and are overall amazing women who are attracting many of the younger generation.

4. Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal
Yes, another franciscan order. I have a very franciscan spirituality, and love every franciscan order out there! I don't know a whole lot about this order, but I've met some of their brothers (they have a lot more brothers than sisters, but they're definitely growing). They were founded by the wonderful late Fr. Benedict and I believe are based in NYC where they work with the poor, and also have missions in England. I am going on a retreat later this year where I might get to meet a few!

5. Daughters of St. Paul

The famous singing media nuns! These sisters instagrams... Yes, INSTAGRAMS light up my day when I see their latest posts. They do everything from selling Catholic books and media to going on singing tours to... Well, anything. Not the most traditional order, but anyone who was heard Sr. Helena Burns speak knows that these sisters are so full of joy and excitement for the new evangelization. And yes, their cross necklaces are a roll of film and open book.

6. Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia 
Once again, I don't know a whole lot about this order, but I do know that they have a whole lot of young sisters- a lot. I also know someone who is discerning with them right now. Like the other Dominicans I mentioned, they are teachers and have a very beautifully traditional habit, convent, and gorgeous music (obviously, considering their patron). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 4 founding sisters of the other order originally came from this order.

7. Young cloistered nuns !!!

How could we ever not mention the dozens of young women completely giving up everything to live a quiet secluded life praying for the world?  While they may not be as involved in our lives as active sisters, they are none the less vital to these modern times. I'm very lucky to have found the youtube channels and blogs of women who have entered this lifestyle, and am currently very interested in becoming a cloistered Poor Clare!!! They are so peaceful and radiant, especially for such a young age! (This isn't the order I am interested in- I couldn't get the picture to load). 

I hope you love all these sisters as much as I do!

A Catholic Teen

P.s. If you're discerning and want to search further, check out the Imagine Sisters- an organization started by 2 young Catholic women who really love nuns!
Their AMAZING movie about nuns: The Light of Love

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