Monday, January 12, 2015
Apps, Rosaries, and Novenas oh my!
This past week I've been trying to think of things to write about because school isn't super interesting (in spiritual growth terms). But I figured that I would share with you something I discovered a couple months ago that is absolutely amazing.
Yes, an app.
Not just any app though, the best Catholic app out there today (that's just my opinion though). If you're a devout Catholic with an iPhone, or any smart phone, there's a good chance you have this app. However, you never know. There is always going to be someone who doesn't have it.
Laudate. Just search the name in the App Store.
It has everything. And I mean everything. The daily readings, all of the daily hours for the Liturgy of the Hours (the universal daily prayers of the Church, mainly prayed by religious), hundreds of prayers, reflections, podcasts, a confession guide, and so many other awesome things.
My favorite by far, which I use on almost a daily basis, is the Year of Faith rosary podcast. It's a bunch of people praying the rosary with a leader and beautiful meditations on the mysteries. You can listen and pray along when it's the groups response turn. Sometimes I need a day to pray the rosary by myself, just one on one with Jesus and Mary.
But most days this podcast is a big help to keep me focused and in a prayerful state of mind.
Speaking of rosaries, I want to mentions something that a lot of people, me included, just assume is something that people do. I mean, doesn't everyone do it?
I should be saying that. I didn't even make an effort to start praying the rosary daily until a year ago. I wasn't taught to do that as a child (BIG mistake). And occasionally I have a day where the temptations to be lazy get to me.
But seriously, the rosary works wonders for the soul. It performs unbelievable miracles.
In fact, the only people within one mile to survive the Hiroshima atomic bomb were 8 guys who prayed the rosary every single day. Their house and bodies were left completely untouched by any trace of radiation, and no scientist on earth had an explanation.
Amazing, right?
School can kind of suck all the holiness out of me sometimes. The everyday routine can trick me into thinking that I can just live an ordinary (and worthless) life and that I only need to be holy during Christmas or Easter and stuff. This is a lie. We as Catholics, and especially young Catholics are called to be saints in our day to day lives- to live out our universal vocations of LOVE (creds to St. Therese) here and now, every moment of every day.
I highly encourage anyone reading this to join me on a perilous and terrifying journey, one that will lead to the certain death of the people we presently are.
That's right. A 54 day novena (duh, duh, DUH!!!)
I know, 54 days is a long time. That's 54 days of saying the rosary faithfully and reverently every single day.
But I know that I will come out the other side looking more like the person God made me to be, with a heart more conformed to His Sacred Heart, and with a desire to live my life even more radically (and awesomely).
Prayers are much appreciated.
And I will be praying for you :)
A Catholic Teen
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