Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Becoming a Morning Person

Before I begin, let me make this clear: I have never been and never will be a person who functions best before noon.

The alarm went off at 6 o'clock, and the soft melody to Audrey Assad's "Restless" snuck into my dreams before I realized that it wasn't just in my head. I faintly remember muttering no more than the first third of the Angelus before drifting off again.

Finally at 6:45 I managed to drag myself out of bed, put my cold feet on the ground, pull out my phone and pray Lauds, or the morning prayer of the Church, from my Laudate app.
The repetitive chanting of the words is just what my lazy brain needs when it wants to sleep for another twelve hours. I'm not awake enough to come up with such beautiful words myself to set myself on the right path for the rest of the day.
The short reading is always on point- or maybe I think it's really philosophical because I'm still so tired. And the petitions are beyond beautiful:

"Every day is proof of your love: as you bring us this new day, make us new in mind and heart."
"May our lives today be filled with your compassion; give us the spirit of forgiveness and a generous heart."

And the closing prayer- "The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life."
Morning prayer is just what I need to hold my life together.

Now that I was slightly more awake, I was able to lift my heart to the heavens and recite the lyrics of one of my favorite songs right now: "Love Came Down"
"If my heart is overwhelmed and I cannot hear Your voice, I'll hold on to what is true though I cannot see. If the storms of life they come, and the road ahead gets steep, I will life these hands in praise; I will believe.
I'll remind myself of all that You've done and the life I had because of Your Son.
Love came down and rescued me, Love came down and set me free,
and I am Yours, I am forever Yours."

I also felt very fancy and sophisticated this morning as I relaxed while eating my delicious bowl of oatmeal with plenty of brown sugar and a nice cup of English Breakfast tea. Yum. It would have been the perfect time to read a couple pages of The Story of a Soul.

As my mom pulled out of the driveway to take me to school, I glanced up at the sky and gasped in wonder and awe at the sky above me. Clouds are always prettiest at dawn and at dusk. And today they were magnificent.
I could hear so clearly Jesus taking me by the hand and saying "see how much I love you?"

Now you may be thinking that my morning could not get any better than this. But you're wrong.
I had theology first period, and my teacher announced that we were going to daily mass in the chapel.
My heart started racing in my chest, I was so excited. I couldn't believe my luck.
*correction: I couldn't believe that the Holy Spirit was being so good to me*

When I got home from school, I went outside and sat down in our hammock to reflect on how awesome the day had been and to relax. It was the perfect time to pray the rosary, so I did. The sky was blue, birds were chirping, the trees were swaying in the wind, and my brothers were having fun playing soccer. All was right in the world.
(and if you were wondering, yes I live in Texas so we're enjoying wonderful weather as opposed to all that snow up north).

This put the in the perfect mood to be a productive person for once, and the result is that my room is more clean than it has been in at least a month. And I got some homework done even though I don't have classes tomorrow. 
And now I get to enjoy myself and read and write and pray and eat puppy chow while sitting on my comfy bed and I am happy :)

Today has been the best day I've had in a long time.
On a scale of 1-10, it was probably an 8. I'm saving my 9 for the Best Day Ever. And 10 for Heaven of course.
And it all started with taking the time this morning to find my inner peace, joy, and thankfulness and to appreciate the beauty of the day lying before me. I should try it more often.

Just to close this very, very long blog post, I want to leave you awesome person with a couple verses from the book of Proverbs that I flipped open to between cleaning and doing homework. My favorite are the last two lines. Very deep.

Proverbs 16: 1-9
"Plans are made in human hearts,
but from the Lord comes the tongue's response.
All one's ways are pure in one's own eyes,
but the measurer of motives is the Lord.
Entrust your works to the Lord,
and your plans with succeed.
The Lord has made everything for a purpose,
even the wicked for the evil day.
Every proud heart is an abomination to the Lord;
be assured that none will go unpunished.
By steadfast loyalty guilt is expiated,
and by fear of the Lord evil is avoided.
When the Lord is pleased with someone's ways,
he makes even enemies be at peace with them.
Better a little with justice,
than a large income with injustice.
The human heart plans the way,
but the Lord directs the steps."


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