Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Nun baby procrastination

Almost 9 o'clock.
No homework done.
Pajamas, tea, and a stack of (Catholic) books I want to read.
And a major test tomorrow that I haven't even though about.
Perfect time to blog.

But then again, I feel like a lot of my posts lately have been a bit lengthy.
And being the lazy person I am, I don't like reading paragraphs and paragraphs.

So instead, here's a picture of some adorable nun babies.

Adorable nun babies are adorable.

If I have children, this will be them.

I should go be a productive person now.

Like the cool sign off?
Idk if it will stay but it's worth a try.

And if you are as much of a procrastinator as me, why don't you go check out this awesome youtube video by SheIsCatholic (who is now a Dominican sister) singing "Girls Just Want to be Nuns". Which is the truth.

I watch it approximately one million times a day.

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