Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dallas March for Life 2015

Yesterday I was lucky to be able to go to the Dallas March for Life with a group from my school.

The biggest March for Life is this Wednesday in Washington D.C., but Dallas is a lot closer to me.
Hopefully one day I'll be able to travel to D.C. for the event, but the one in Dallas still has thousands of people attend and makes a big impact.

Dallas is where it all began.
And by it, I mean the silent halocaust taking place in our country and around the whole world. 

Since January 22nd, 1973, almost 56 million babies have been aborted in America alone.
Sweet, innocent children who were murdered by no fault of their own.
Children who by now could have families, who could have experienced all the joys and sorrows life has to offer.

This is the truth.

The truth that a baby is not a choice and abortion is not a right.
A baby is a human being, and no one has the right to take the life of another, no matter how inconvenient they are.

The only reason that the devil has been able to cause so much evil through abortion is because he convinces us to forget our humanity.

It is human instinct that killing others is wrong.
It is human instinct to protect the vulnerable.
And through history we can see that the way mass genocides go unnoticed is by de-humanizing the victims.
In this case, reducing the tiny babies to the scientific term fetus.

(At mass)

I am the same person I was at the moment of conception and first few. weeks following.
I am the same person I was when I was born.
Yes, I look a lot different than when I was born.
When I was born I also looked a lot different than when I was a "fetus".

But I am me, and I have been me since the first moment I existed.

At the end of the march there were a few fantastic speakers and I would like to share a couple points I learned.

1. Abortion is not a matter of diplomacy. It isn't a fight between conservatives and liberals. It isn't a matter of whether it is legal or not.
It is a matter of life and death.
Between what is right and what is wrong

2. The battle is already won.
When Jesus said "I have come that you might have life and have it to the fullest", He meant it.
He died on Calvary to defeat evil and forgive all sin.
We March not just hoping for victory, but knowing that it is right around the corner.
And even though abortion is perhaps the greatest evil of our time, it is forgivable if we plead for forgiveness.

3. Abortion hurts women.
It does.
This one needs a whole lot more explanation, which I'll probably address in a future post.
But one thing I want to say about this is that abortion is a temporary solution.
It will give you temporary relief, temporary support, temporary acceptance. 
But it will give you permanent pain.

(The reflection of the crowds in the glass)

This is a pretty heavy topic.
If you think I was harsh, don't worry.
When I get around to it I'll do a post about compassion and forgiveness when it comes to abortion.

But first, I wanted you to know the truth.

I made a video of the March which I will post a link to below.

Keep praying and never give up!

A Catholic Teen

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