Thursday, January 29, 2015

Not-So-Ordinary Time

It feels like only moments since Christmas ended and at the same time Lent is less than a month away! And here we are, in the midst of everyone's favorite Liturgical season (*can you hear my sarcasm*)

I have to admit, whenever I think about Ordinary Time, a part of me slumps down and sighs deeply.
Because all my life I've had the mindset that if we aren't fasting or feasting, then it must be boring.
This is a trap that a lot of us Catholics can easily fall into.

I really want to change the way I see this season, but it's a long process.
But I've got to start somewhere.

The whole point of the Liturgical Year is that we may repeatedly walk in the footsteps of Christ's life.
We normally just think about His birth and His death, but what about everything in between?

What about the days when he got up and ate breakfast and went to Joseph's workshop and helped Mary set the table and fell asleep gazing out His window at the stars?
What about the days when He wandered the dusty roads, talking His (most sacred) heart out to His disciples and laughing at the little children coming to greet Him?

What about the days in Jesus' life that were ordinary?

There was a time before His ministry that we forget about a lot because we don't know a lot about it. But Jesus once had a day-to-day life that was less than exciting but that was beautiful at the same

During Ordinary Time, we are called to fall into the rhythmic patterns of life that ultimately are most important when it comes to truly devoting yourself to God.
It's really hard to love Him when life seemings to be empty and dragging on and there's nothing to look forward to.
But in these quiet and (sometimes) peaceful days, we must seek our Lord in the silence. In those around us. And within ourselves.

It is during these times that God most gently and patiently guides us towards Himself- towards loving Him more and towards eternal rest.

I want to share a quote from my prayer journal (video on that coming up relatively soon on my Youtube channel)

"This is life.
This is what we get, and it's kind of the best thing ever, every moment of every day.
If I can't comprehend how amazingly beautiful this life is, then I can't even think about the next.
So here's to a life well- courageously, boldy, lovingly lived."

These wonderful pictures have been brought to you from the wonderful world of Pintrest

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