Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I have a very Franciscan spirituality (have I mentioned that before? I think I have. Sorry...) and as you would assume, nature is one of my favorite things ever (besides the Eucharist, of course). I could stay outside for hours, running in fields of flowers, playing in streams, discovering woods, etc. You get the idea. 
Well, the weather has to be right. Not too hot, not too cold, not mosquitos. But that's not important.

And off all things nature related, can you guess which ones my favorite?
I'll give you a hint. It's the name of this post. 

Yes, clouds, my one true love. I could be completely, or at least partially content in a world desolate of great beauty if there was at least the most magnificent clouds ever.
I could literally watch clouds for days.

They're one if God's favorite ways of showing us His love. What's more obvious than clouds? They're everywhere. Too many people don't take the opportunity to simply look up.

Whenever I see an especially beautiful cloud, I'm filled with an unexplainable wonder and awe and love for our awesome God.
The only thing I can do is raise my eyes, stretch out my arms, and be. This state of just being is a prayer in itself, and quite possibly the purest and the most simple prayer known to man. St. Francis (and St. Therese and Anne of Green Gables) knew this prayer very well. 

But I didn't decide to write this post just to rant about clouds.
Gosh, I sound a but crazy.
No, I am also going to show you some nice pictures of clouds I took the other day.
If that's not your thing, than by all means, close this page. Maybe go check out a different post of mine that better suits your taste.
But if you too are a cloud enthusiast, than enjoy. (You know, there is an official cloud appreciation society).

Pretty, aren't they? :)

A Catholic Teen

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