Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception! I hope you had a wonderful time honoring Mama Mary at mass today, because I know I did!

Something the priest said really struck me- if each day you take a moment to consecrate yourself to Mary (nothing formal, just entrust yourself to her hands), then she would help you to imitate her holiness and obedience so perfectly.

I am going to do this every day for the rest of advent, along with praying an extra 3 Hail Marys each day to go along with it. By Christmas, our Blessed Mother will have prepared my heart for her Son's coming better than I ever could.

I just finished the Immaculate Conception novena from, and it was beautiful. I grew so much closer to Mama Mary- oh the power of prayer! I highly recommend that you sign up to receive their novenas, which are emailed straight to you.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, conceived so immaculately, watch over you always :)

A Catholic Teen

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