Friday, December 12, 2014

Therese and me

One thing everyone should know about me is that St. Therese is my patron/confirmation saint. I love her like a sister (which I consider her to be considering that I only have brothers). To me, reading her autobiography The Story of a Soul is just like talking to her in real life, quite similar to what we experience Christ in Scripture.

I wrote this poem/short story/idk what to call it a few days ago. I was having a tough day and Therese really cheered me up. It's not the most technically correct (I like to use my "artistic license"), but the thought and love behind it is there. I hope you enjoy.

A place I've never been.
A time I'll never know.
And yet down the dirt path covered with wildflowers
my bare feet go
Just because it's in my head doesn't mean it's not real.

I see her and her father having a picnic by the pond.
She and her mother leading a trail of candies on their journey home.
Her sister carries her on their evening walk
And her father carries her on the way to Church.
They collect flowers for little altars.
And pretend to be hermits.
She sits on a windowsill contemplating the wonders of the universe.
And on the lap of he sister, preparing to receive the first sweet kiss of our spouse.
She travels to far off lands and mountains and valleys my eyes will never see.
And always flies back home to her little family.

Sometimes I ask myself why I must always be an onlooker, why she will never know me.

But then I'm on that little path and she takes me by the hand and we walk together.

We may be off frolicking in fields but they're actually the realities life.

She looks into my eyes with such joy on her face and I tell her how God has been revealing to me His grace.

I may not have been there to be with her in her life, but they is no reason for her to not be in mine.
She chose me as her little sister, and I gladly accept,
for someone must teach me how to love.

One day when we're united, she'll show me it all, the pond, the church, and beauty of her little life in Lisieux.
But at the same time our life There will be much greater and much more beautiful.
And the memories we make There will last forever.

Until then, our words unite us.
I love you, my sister.

A Catholic Teen

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