Sunday, February 8, 2015

Mama Mary, Lovely Lady

How lucky are we, to have a mother who loves us so?
Who is spending her eternity diligently begging at the feet of her Son for our every need and worry.

Every Catholic is called to have a devotion to Mary. Why?
Because Jesus did. He devoted the first 30 years of His life to allowing her to teach Him and guide Him and love Him.

Over the past few months, I've grown to appreciate our heavenly mother for her tenderness and beauty. Not because she is physically beautiful, although I am sure she is, but because she let (and continues to) God's will shine through her perfectly. 

Without Jesus, Mary is nothing more than a virtuous girl. There would be no point to asking for her intercession any more than the other saints.
But God chose her to be the vessel in which to carry the greatest treasure this world has ever known.
Is there anything more beautiful than that?

All of these images are some of my absolute favorites :)
May the most blessed mother, queen of Heaven and of our hearts, guide you even closer to her Son.


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