Friday, February 6, 2015

Virtual Adoration

I am so blessed to go to a school where adoration is offered on the first Friday of every month.
Well, I wish it were every Friday. Or every day. But you don't always get everything you wish for.

Actually, today was the first time I took advantage of this awesome opportunity.

Those 15 minutes I spent in our Lord's presence after eating lunch were the best moments of my life since the hours I spent with Him last weekend.
Sometimes, 15 minutes is all you need to be able to keep going.

A couple of months ago, I was surfing the web, just checking out some Catholic websites (probably ones about nuns). Because that is one of the main things I do in my free time.
I stumbled upon a page that had "virtual adoration". It probably had a much more eloquent name. But I'm not the most eloquent person.

Last weekend, the only picture I managed to take was the one below. It's the most important one, after all.

I know that adoration when you're physically in God's presence is always going to be better than just looking at a picture.
But some of us can't go every day.
And when this picture was taken, He was present.

So if you have time (or even if you don't have time), take a moment right now to place your heart and mind and soul in front of God.

Let Him consume you.
Let Him be with you.
Let Him love you.

I'm doing it too, don't worry.

Complete surrender is one of the hardest things ever. But it's enough just to let Him take your hand and tell Him that you want to love Him.
And even if you don't want Him to love you, that in no way lessens His affection for you.
Oh, how He loves you.

May you seek the Lord with an earnest and humble heart day after day :)

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