Thursday, February 5, 2015

CFR Retreat

Hello you wonderful people.
I just had some of the best days of my life.

If any of you have hung around for the two long months I've been blogging about my oh-so-interesting world, then you may remember one of my first posts, which was titled "Sisters :)"

I'll post the link below for those of you who haven't read it. I know how annoying it can be to have to scroll through pages and pages of stuff.

Basically it was a description of a handful of lively and vibrant religious orders that every young Catholic girl, discerning or not, should check out. And number 4 on that list were the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal, whom I mentioned I would get the chance to meet later this year.

See where I'm going with this???

Yes, I just spent 3 joy filled days with the Friars and Sisters of the Renewal. I had heard a ton about how awesome they are. And you can take my word for it, they are awesome!

The entire retreat can be summed up in just a few short words: Confession, the Rosary, Mass, Adoration. And these things happen to be my favorite things in the entire world.
It was so beautiful. And you wouldn't believe how many graces you receive from spending 15 hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
told you it was AWESOME!!!

So now that it's been a few days and that wonderful retreat high has gradually faded, what's changed?
Well, my relationships with the people who were there with me have changed. It's like we all have this silent and bonding knowledge that Jesus is the best thing ever, which He is.

And now I'm just trying to love Him more.
Isn't that what life is about?

One last thing- during Adoration, there was one song in particular that made all the emotions overflow. I'll post a link to it below.

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